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Ventura Mariners Hockey Club

  • Ventura Mariners Hockey Est. 1995
  • Ventura Mariners Hockey Est. 1995
  • Ventura Mariners Hockey Est. 1995

Ventura Selects

2025 Memorial Day Tournament Team

30th Year Anniversary


Its not to late to join the 2024-25 Mariners

Ventura Mariners Hockey Club

The Ventura Mariners Club mission is to introduce the youth of our area communities to the great game of ice hockey, such that every child, through their participation in the program, can enjoy a positive, character building sports experience while creating a passion for the game.

Ventura Mariners believe that through the development of every individual the collective team benefits resulting depth, diversity, and cohesion.  This produces a level of confidence that brings success in the competitive hockey environment.

Emphasis will always be placed upon education, person development, teamwork, and sportsmanship.  The individual conduct of board members, coaches, players, and parents will be maintained to ensure a positive culture in which all can honor the sport, and exemplify an organization in which to be proud of.

And above all else..."It's always about the kids"

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